Each of the pictures at the right represents an album with a selection of photos. Feel free to take a tour...

These are experimental pictures which don't really fit in anywhere else. Mostly elements I come across and find interesting to photograph. In my own way.
In an attempt to create impressionistic photographs I turned an old lenscap and some aluminum foil into a pinhole plate, with multiple pinholes. The overlapping images give the impressionistic effect I was aiming for.
Shades of White

We had a rare weather condition just before Christmas: temperatures well below freezing, dense fog and no wind at all. The frozen fog covered everything with ice crystals.
A title 'Shades of White' popped up in my mind which sparked my interest to shoot a small series...

A small series of portraits of people in some kind of artistic performance like street theater or at a festival.
Festival Fever

Summertime, time for festivals, time to enjoy music of local talents or big names. And to photograph them, in my own way, sometimes with a little twist...
In the Movies

In the movies: think James Bond, Moulin Rouge, film noir... a small series of staged portraits in B&W.
Fine art

This album shows a variety of photos which I once printed for an exhibition. Most of them are somewhat older but I still like them.
Couleur Locale

When traveling abroad it's always nice to discover new places and bring home good memories and some photographs. Every country or town has its own atmosphere. In these photos I tried to capture this "Couleur Locale".
Staged Portraits

The past few years I have developed an interest in model photography and have done a couple of fun shoots. These photos show the results of my first steps in this new direction.

Throughout the year, nature has many faces. Be it spring or fall, there is always something different to explore.